Ordering packages at an Airbnb location.

Ordering packages at an Airbnb location. Airbnb is, and has become a trend for many people who don’t want to stay at traditional hotels around the world, individuals go online, and look,and search for locations in the city that they’re traveling to, and based on reviews of the properties that ...

If you don’t check your mail, it can be returned.

If you don’t check your mail, it can be returned. Normally your letter carrier will give you a 10 day grace period to clean out your mailbox if it’s stuffed full of mail. If you live at your residence, and you come home on a daily basis, then you should ...

The unidentifable house, with a package.

The unidentifiable house, with a package. What exactly does this mean? Well, you book a vacation, and while on your vacation, you decide to order an item from Amazon.com, and you only put your first name, Chris, on the package, and your address 30214 Coolmint Dr. Colgate, WI 53017. Amazon ...

A closed business should never have to deal with a left package.

A closed business should never have to deal with a left package. What exactly does this mean for logistics companies who deliver packages to businesses on a daily basis? Sometimes a vendor will leave a message on a package that states, “scan item, and deliver the package!” The common sense ...

The corner lot with two addresses.

The corner lot with two addresses. In the real estate world, the corner lot is normally the most sought after lot when people are looking for the most value in their real estate purchase, of course other factors come into play such as the square footage of the house, and ...

Employers mailing out W-2 forms with their former address.

Employers mailing out W-2 forms with their former address. This happens more than what we would like to think, but businesses normally move, because it’s the end of their lease, their former landlord has sold the property to a new owner, and if the tenant is on a month to ...

The package doesn’t belong to my address!

The package doesn’t belong to my address! How often does this happen? It probably happens everyday of the week, you go on the internet on your smartphone, and order an item that you have been waiting for to go on sale, you click on the item, and enter your address ...

The W-2 form, and the moving business.

The W-2 form, and the moving business. Some businesses stay in business for a long time, while others decide that they’re not making a profit from having their business open, so they decide to close the doors to their business, this can happen in less than 30 days in some ...

Tax season, and the W-2 form.

Tax season, and the W-2 form. This is an exciting time of the year for a lot of people, tax season, and waiting for the W-2 form to be delivered to our mailbox, P.O. Box, UPS store, Mailboxes Etc., or military base, or ship that you might be stationed around ...

Changing your name can cause problems with your mail, and packages.

Changing your name can cause problems with your mail, and packages. Sometimes foreign exchange students relocate to the U.S., and other places around the world for better opportunity, to better their lives, and also to further their educations. Two foreign exchange students from Japan, move into a new set of ...

Ordering items, and credit cards in deceased family members names.

Ordering items, and credit cards in deceased family members names. Believe it, or not, this sounds crazy, but it happens more than we would like to think. People love to shop on the internet, from the comfort of their homes on their smartphone from anywhere around the world, and you ...

Ordering packages, while away on vacation.

Ordering packages, while away on vacation. All of us who are lucky enough to go on vacation, normally take it to spend time with our family, or relatives in different destinations around the world, but that doesn’t stop us from using the internet, or our smartphone to shop from anywhere ...