Ordering items, and credit cards in deceased family members names. Believe it, or not, this sounds crazy, but it happens more than we would like to think. People love to shop on the internet, from the comfort of their homes on their smartphone from anywhere around the world, and you receive an offer in the mail for a new credit card, and you decide to put a credit card in the name of your deceased Mom, who has been dead now for five years, so you use your address, and the credit card company doesn’t verify that your Mom has been dead for at least 5 years, and they send out a new credit card, and so you go on an internet shopping spree, and order items, and pay the minimum monthly credit card balance, and after one year, you decide to move, and put in a change of address in your family name of Green, but you don’t put in a change of address in your Mom’s name, which is Greenwich, so guess what is going to happen? The credit card statements will continue to come to your old address, and after two years, or however long the card is good for, a new credit card is going to come to your old address in your Mom’s maiden name, unless you haven’t been paying for the previous charges, then the account will be flagged, and the charges will fall on you, because you signed your deceased Mom up as a joint card holder at the time that you responded to the credit card offer. If you have an account for them on PayPal, or Ebay where you order items in their name, it’s important to update your address details in the event that you might move, because obviously someone, who is deceased can’t update their address details when you decide to move, and this includes auto-shipping items as well, when you move it’s your responsibility to update your contact details in the event that you might move. Ordering items, and credit cards in deceased family members names. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!
