
Ordering packages at an Airbnb location.

Ordering packages at an Airbnb location. Airbnb is, and has become a trend for many people who don’t want to stay at traditional hotels around the world, individuals go online, and look,and search for locations in the city that they’re traveling to, and based on reviews of the properties that they’re searching for they make a decision on what property that they will stay in, as well as the number of days that they’ll be residing at the location. Sometimes people forget items, or they decide to shop online before they leave their home, and they will order items to come to the Airbnb location that they’ll be staying in for one week, and they put down the correct address, but they put the zip code down wrong, so when this occurs it can cause a delay in your package getting to the Airbnb location that you’re staying at, so the Amazon driver decides to leave the item by the mailboxes instead of leaving the item by your door, so you the customer doesn’t think to check to see what name is on the package by the mailboxes because you assume that the delivery merchant will leave the item by the door at the apartment that you’re renting for the week while your on vacation with your family. Saturday has arrived, and now it’s time for you to check out of the location, and since the location doesn’t require a code for entry, you notice that the package that was laying by the mailboxes for 4 days is now gone, a porch pirate has been watching everyday, and has decided that the package is fair game since no one has claimed it for the last 4 days. What can be done to prevent this in the future? Normally when Amazon leaves a package, they’ll take a photograph of the location, and you’ll receive a notification, or email, once this happens you should go immediately to the landmark where the package was left, if you see mailboxes in the background of the photo, then chances are the package is sitting in front of the mailboxes. If you see an package, that you ordered sitting in front of mailboxes that is from Amazon, it doesn’t hurt to take a look at the package to see if it belongs to you, if it’s not yours, then simply place the item back to where it was left. If the package is an auto-shipped item, remember it’s your responsibility to change your address back to your home location, because if you don’t the item will continue to go to the last address that you entered. Ordering packages at an Airbnb location, use precaution, think smart. More than just a blog!