Past and Present residents, the holiday season is upon us!

Past and present residents, the holiday season is upon us, and during this time people are beginning to shop more, and prepare for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and also sending out greeting cards around the world to family, and friends. There’s one problem, people don’t keep in touch the way that the ...

The art of the sidewalk, can make a difference…

The art of the sidewalk, can make a difference in receiving a delivery at your place of residence, or next door, or across the street where it doesn’t belong. It’s amazing that something so simple as painting the number of your address on the sidewalk can help a delivery driver ...

Moving as the world turns, a 24/7/365 operation globally

Moving as the world turns, people are constantly on the go, and moving for some is a never ending process. What makes us move is a question that sometimes our next door neighbor might ponder when they see the moving truck parked outside of our apartment, house, condo, etc. Job ...

The half, and the half not’s, your credit, your correct address could depend on it!

The half, and the half not’s is really a reality with the recent breach with Equifax. A friend reported that he was unable to put his correct address into the system to sign up for security, and credit protection within Equifax in the event that his data was compromised with ...

Do they live at your house, or apartment?

Do they live at your house, or apartment? This is the question that your Mailman might often ask when they see a new name at your residence. It’s your responsibility to keep new names updated at your residence if you want to continue receiving mail, because if you have the ...

It’s a numbers game, if it’s dropped you may never receive it.

It’s a numbers game, if it’s dropped you may never receive it really is a reality when dealing with logistics companies. The difference between 5800 Greenspan, and 5800 Livestream is quite obvious the name of the streets, but the numbers are the identical, but what if 5800 Greenspan was an ...

Separation, it happens in relationships!

Separation, it happens in relationships, unfortunately everyone that establishes a relationship doesn’t always stay in that relationship, and this is just a part of life. Depending on who stays at the residence, by residence, one means, the house, apartment, condo, townhouse, loft, and etc., it’s important that you handle getting ...

Staying up to date can always keep you one step ahead!

Staying up to date can always keep you one step ahead is very relevant in the world of life, and the way that we live it. Receiving, and sending mail is really no different. If you decide to move from your current address, your Mailman will hold your mail for ...

Moving in but not married yet!

Moving in but not married yet is often the story for couples who are on the verge of getting married, but have decided to move in together for various reasons, such as saving money for the wedding date, job opportunity for the couple in a new city, buying your first ...

Sending a letter with only the first names of the individuals, or business.

If you think that sending a letter with only the first names of the recipient can cause problems, I can honestly tell you that you’re right. The sender thinks that they have the address right, and so you send the letter to Joe, and Sarah, but you forget to put ...

Moving into an apartment, or townhouse.

Moving into an apartment, or townhouse sometimes can be quite challenging, but it doesn’t always have to be that way. If you decide to move into a new apartment complex, or townhome, one of the most important things that you, or your spouse should do once you have moved into ...

We should never forget our children!

We should never forget our children because they truly are the essence of why we live, and why we strive to do better things in this world. One might as why do you make such a statement? The answer is forgetting about them when you move can affect them more ...