It’s a numbers game, if it’s dropped you may never receive it really is a reality when dealing with logistics companies. The difference between 5800 Greenspan, and 5800 Livestream is quite obvious the name of the streets, but the numbers are the identical, but what if 5800 Greenspan was an apartment and had the #7 attached to it, so the address would be 5800 Greenspan #7, and the driver from FedEx accidentally left the item at 5800 Livestream? Chances are the customer if they’re honest will call FedEx to inform them that the driver has left an item that belongs on the next street over, or if the package has a contact number on the package, they can call the customer who is the recipient of the item to inform them that they have an item that is addressed to them, and if they want to can come to their house to retrieve the item, or the individual can bring the item to their apartment to give it to them. On most occasions the customer will leave the item outside for the Mailman to pickup, and will write on the item not at this address, or wrong street. For your information the Postal Service doesn’t have to pickup the FedEx, UPS, Amazon, DHL, or any other logistical carrier package, because it’s not the responsibility of the Postal Service, but as a courtesy they will often do this especially if it’s your regular carrier, and sometimes the Postal Carrier will inform the Driver of the other respective logistical carriers where an item was left that should go on another street so that they can retrieve the item that the customer has been tracking. Human error does happen when it comes to packages, because the street, and block signs are on the corners, and not in the middle of the block. It’s a numbers game, here’s to a great week!
