Why putting your name, and apartment number inside of your mailbox matters when receiving mail, and packages. As a newlywed couple you, and your spouse have decided to move into a new upscale apartment development in Miami,Florida off of 17489 Flamingo Bird Dr., and your apartment number is 1412, the Mailman has a note posted by the box to put your last name inside of your mailbox with your apartment number, but you, and your spouse decide due to privacy concerns that you will not comply with what the Postal Carrier has requested, and two weeks later a package comes to your address from Victoria Secret with your first name Sharon, with your address, but the apartment number is left off, so the Postal Carrier goes to the office to see if they can locate who Sharon is, and the Apartment Manager at the Flamingo tells you that there are 25 other residents who have the first name of Sharon, and that they don’t want to hold the package to figure out who ordered the package from Victoria Secret, so guess what, the package is going to get returned to the sender because the address is insufficient. If you have a Luxer box inside of your apartment complex, without an apartment number, and a last name the same scenario would apply because 25 other residents have the exact same first name, and when there are over 700 more residents who are receiving mail, and packages at the apartment complex, your package will easily be returned because you failed to provide a sufficient address, and name criteria for the delivery merchant to deliver your package. Why is something so simple so hard for people? It’s your responsibility to make your delivery merchants job easier, and for you to receive mail, and packages that you spent time online to order, it doesn’t have to be that difficult, and with everything that is going on in the world that we live in, putting your name, and apartment number inside of your mailbox, could save your life, when you receive the medication that you ordered last week, and you’re down to your last pill. Why putting your name, and apartment number inside of your mailbox matters when receiving mail, and packages. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!
