The power of a phone number on a package. This might not seem like it means a lot, but it really can make a difference in connecting a customer with an order of pictures that they ordered from a recent family reunion last weekend in Austin, Texas. The family ordered the prints through Shutterfly, and one of the features of Shutterfly allows the user to put their phone number for entry on the package, and in the case of the Smith family their phone number was entered, but they forgot to update their address, and so the system automatically assumed that they still lived at 2325 Honeydew Drive in Lexington, Kentucky, when the family had actually moved across town, but were in the same city, but just a different zip code. The letter carrier knew that the family had moved over 2 years ago, so they went the extra mile to call the phone number that was on the Shutterfly package, and Mrs. Smith answered the phone, and the Letter Carrier informed her that they were in possession of prints that she had ordered off of Shutterfly, and instead of returning the package to Shutterfly the Letter Carrier took the initiative to call, and one hour later Mrs. Smith met the Letter Carrier out on the route to pickup her prints from Shutterfly. Upon meeting Mrs. Smith, the Letter Carrier informed the customer to go onto the Shutterfly website to update her address details so that her future orders from Shutterfly would go to her new address instead of the former address that her family had been gone from for over 2 years. If the regular Letter Carrier had been on vacation then the package more than likely would have been returned to Shutterfly, but the phone number on the package actually made a difference, it connected the package to the customer with the Letter Carrier going the extra mile to make the call. The power of a phone number on a package. More than just a blog!
