Risking it all to steal a package. Sounds like a dangerous thing to say, but porch pirates are stealing packages at an all-time high, so much that it seems that security cameras are being ignored, because porch pirates seem to think that they’re off of the grid, or that they can’t be identified. One of the most dangerous things that can happen is that the owner is at home, and comes outside with a gun to encounter the porch pirate, and the porch pirate ends up getting shot, and the homeowner is later charged with assault with a deadly weapon. What can be done to cut down on package theft? If your home has barriers that a package can be hid behind, have a sign that isn’t visible from the street that says, leave all packages behind the barrier. Although, this will help, delivery drivers have to be onboard with your request, and sometimes a phone call, or meeting the delivery personnel when they walk up to deliver your package can help, when you ask them nicely about where you would like your package left at in the event that you might not be at home. If your home doesn’t have any barriers to hide a package, buy a plant, or something that can obstruct a porch pirate from being able to see that a package has been left at your residence. What to look for if you suspect a porch pirate could be in your neighborhood, they’re following the delivery drivers, when they make a stop in an automobile, and once the package is left at your residence, they wait, and if the resident doesn’t come outside immediately they will grab the package, and go to the next house where a delivery is being made, sometimes they work in teams, there is a driver, a lookout, and the porch pirate who runs, or walks up to the residence to steal the package. Some porch pirates ride bicycles, so they normally will have a backpack on so that they can steal smaller packages, and most will ride up to your residence, and will drop their bicycle to steal your package, and will place the stolen package into their backpack, and will be on their way like they never stole anything. A lot of residents post videos on the Nextdoor app that shows the porch piracy taking place so this helps to identify who the porch pirate could be, or sometimes a license plate number can help police assist in catching the porch pirate. Now that restrictions have been lifted in some parts of the country due to COVID-19 numbers dropping porch piracy will continue to rise, and it will take a collaborative effort of everyone to defend against it. Risking it all to steal a package. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!
