Auto-shipping packages, moving should matter to you! What exactly does this mean. If you order items online, your information is stored if you have an online account with the merchant that you order from so that it’s easy for you to click on an item that you like, and if your information is stored, you simply click on the item that you want, and approve the transaction as long as your credit card information is stored as well, then you will receive an email regarding your purchase along with the tracking information, and who will be the preferred shipper delivering your item to your address. The key thing about auto-shipping packages is the rate that the item comes to your address, and if you move it’s up to you to log into your account to update your information in the event that you might move, because if your logistics delivery company is DHL, it’s possible that they might not have the information regarding your most recent move from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Greensboro, North Carolina. So if you have an item coming from a weight-loss company, and you don’t notify them in the address portal of their website that your home of record has changed then the auto-shipped product will continue to be delivered to Cambridge, Massachusetts instead of your new address in Greensboro, North Carolina.
If you run a home-based business it’s important to update your address labels, because if you use your previous address to mail items to customers, and the item is refused by the receiver then you could have problems getting the item returned to you because of the fact that you used an old address, and the delivery merchant doesn’t know that you have made the move from Cambridge, Massachusetts to Greensboro, North Carolina. Remember, when you get to your new location identify your mailbox with a label with all residents residing at your present location with last names to help delivery personnel identify who is living at your residence, this can make life a lot easier for you, and your family, or roommates. Auto-shipping packages, moving should matter to you!
