Moving, and using your old address, to send packages, and to pay bills. Believe it, or not people will use old address labels to send Thanksgiving cards, Christmas packages, and birthday cards as well, the problem is you moved from your old address three years ago, and your recipient moved from the address that you sent the package to in Los Angeles, California more than two years ago, so the item that you spent $25.00 at the Post Office to ship to 12765 Glaker Ave. in Los Angeles, California is now considered to be dead mail, and you have spent over $150.00 for your friends baby shower gift, and now there’s no way for you to recover your money that you spent on the shipping, or the price that you spent buying the baby shower gift. Some people prefer to pay bills the old-fashioned way, they like to mail the bill before the due date, and sometimes being in a rush we mail the letter not realizing that the window that has the recipient address is blank, and there is no address, so the letter is returned to 5512 Longdove Dr. Hollywood, Florida, but you moved 2 years prior to Destin, Florida, and now your letter has been written on as not being at this address by the present resident, and now American Express is charging you a late fee for a payment that you know that you mailed two weeks ago. What can you do to change these mistakes, well you can start by getting rid of your old address labels when you move, because if you mail an item to a recipient, who you haven’t been in contact with for over 5 years, you might want to call them, or send an email to see if they’re still living at the last address that you visited them at over 5 years ago. Double check your bills before you mail them, because ten seconds scanning over your bill is better than receiving a late fee from your credit card company. Moving, and using your old address, to send packages, and to pay bills. More than just a blog.
