
If you can enter the apartment building, you can leave the package at the door.

If you can enter the apartment building, you can leave the package at the door. What exactly does this mean? As a logistics company, most carriers deliver packages to apartment buildings around the country, there isn’t one sole company that delivers exclusively to one apartment building, with the only exception being the USPS, when mail is being delivered to an apartment building, but in the business of e-commerce, and package delivery, USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, Amazon, and many other logistics companies deliver packages on a daily basis to apartment buildings. Most apartment buildings have a office that the logistics driver can go to if they need access to the apartment building to deliver packages, of course it’s more efficient during normal working hours, and most apartment buildings will be labeled with building numbers that coincide with the apartment numbers where one would look for to assist the delivery driver in delivering their packages to the residents who live at the Apple Tree Apartments for example. Some delivery drivers look for a mail room, and instead of delivering the package to the resident, who is at home waiting for the package that they spent over $500, worth of items from Adidas, the item is left on the floor of a mailroom, unattended until the letter carrier arrives the next day to start placing mail in the mailboxes. If the package is stolen with GPS on high-tech scanners the location of the package can be pinpointed with accuracy to determine where the item was left during the delivery, so the customers story will add up that the package wasn’t left at their door, as the customer requested. Most apartment manager’s have a map of their properties that they manage so if you have a question in regards to where apartment units are located, one can assume that they will be more than happy to assist you with your delivery. Going the extra mile goes a very long way with customers, and even more as we work towards finding a solution during this pandemic. If you can enter the apartment building, you can leave the package at the door. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!