Google Maps, and updating your business address. This might not initially make sense to the reader, but hopefully by the end of the article, both the reader, and business owner will have an understanding of the process. Apple & Orange, LLC has been in business practicing law for over 50 years, their landlord decided to almost triple their rent so the law firm decided that it was time to move to a new location, so after having one month to move out to their new location they decided to finally submit a change of address for their new location, but they never submitted change of address forms for their individual names, and every week almost all of employees at the office received packages from Amazon, Target, and various other shipper’s because they felt that their office was safe for delivery, and if the office was closed on the weekend, deliveries would be made on the following business day. Apple & Orange, LLC decide to move about 15 minutes from their old location, in a new building that has just been completed for new tenants to move into. The old building where they previously resided 2525 Blackcherry Blvd., has now been leased out to a plumbing office, Big Dream Plumbing, who have painted the building, and gave their new location a new look. Almost one year after moving, a client stops into Big Dream Plumbing to meet with what they think is still the law firm of Apple & Orange, LLC, only to find out that the former law office is now a plumbing office, with less than two days before their traffic ticket becoming a warrant the client sees the mailman, who happens to know where the location of the Apple & Orange, LLC , is located, and the client is able to get their traffic ticket resolved. What could have been done to make this process easier for the law firm of Apple & Orange, LLC? First they should have filled out their change of address at least two weeks before their departure date, and all employees should have filled out individual change of address forms, because if you continue to order packages, and you don’t update your address credentials online with the merchant that you order from, guess where your package is going to continue to go to, until you fix your address? The packages will continue to be delivered to your companies old business address, and the new tenant in some cases will write return to sender, or set your package outside, where now you will have to worry about theft, and potential porch pirates. If you registered your business on Google Maps, your business needs to update their new location, or things like this will continue to happen, old clients might show up at what they think is a law firm, which is now a plumbing office. Business cards, change them before you move, or clients will still think that your office is still located at 2525 Blackcherry Blvd., and change your business letter head, because the old address where mail is returned to the sender will cause future problems if the court still thinks that the law office hasn’t moved, and could potentially cause issues with court dates, and your clients showing up to important court dates, on time. Google Maps, and updating your business address. More than just a blog!
