Voter Registration Cards, they seem to get popular with every election, and now they’re more relevant than ever. Voter Registration Cards are normally sent to your home of record so that you can exercise your right to vote. They’re very important, and not having one can get you turned around at the door during an election. Some people wait until the last minute to try to find them, and finding your Voter Registration Card is one thing, but they also have to be up to date, signed, and when you move it’s important that your Voter Registration Card is kept up to date, because showing up to an election with an address of 10251 Smart Street, when your driver’s license shows that your new address is 240 Joes Way will produce a red flag, and it could possibly get you dismissed from being able to exercise your right to vote. The USPS delivers Voter Registration Cards to your address every year, or during the time frame when your old Voter Registration Card is about to expire. Most people will often sign the new Voter Registration Cards, and will set them back outside to be picked up by the Letter Carrier, but they’re for you to keep whenever it’s time for you to go to the polls to vote, the only exception will be if it’s someone else’s Voter Registration Card, who no longer resides at your address. It’s also important to note that your driver’s license must also match the address on your Voter Registration Card, with one of the only exceptions being for military personnel, who might be deployed, or overseas. Keeping your address up to date is extremely important, because it can cause you a disservice waiting in a long line, only to find out that you will not be able to vote.
