No mailbox, no curtains, no mail. Sounds like a bold statement, but it really isn’t, it’s the world that we live in everyday in the world of delivery of mail, and receiving packages. Normally landlords who deal with a lot of tenants will keep an updated list of residents who stay on their property. It’s smart business, because staying up to date with your residents can reduce a significant amount of misdeliveries, as well as parcels being at houses that don’t have a mailbox at the residence. Why doesn’t the house have a mailbox, and why doesn’t it have curtains? If you see all of these obstacles, such as no mailbox at the residence, or mail that was left on the floor, and the weather has disfigured the mail, and now there isn’t a recipient because the rain has smeared the ink on the letter, and in the case of a package, if it was left to where rain can get to it, the ink has smeared the tenant’s name who previously lived at the house, so now you can’t identify who the package was addressed to. Normally if a resident has moved out of a house via a real estate sale, or if the house was a rental property, there will be no curtains left in the windows, and if you as delivery merchant pull up to a house, and see this, the common sense factor should kick in to tell you that the house is no longer occupied, it’s vacant, or if you see a name that you haven’t seen before, and there’s a U-Haul truck, or moving truck parked outside, then chances are you could meet the new resident, who has assumed ownership of the property. If you happen to deliver mail, and the mailbox is stuffed, chances are no one is living at the residence, unless the person who lives there travels for 3 weeks out of a month, and in that case, they should make proper arrangements with the Postal Service to hold their mail, and packages until they return, but if there’s no mailbox, no curtains, on the house, then there shouldn’t be any mail, or packages left at the residence, because the house is essentially vacant.
