The holiday season is when we reach out to friends, and family! This is often when we open up our address book to find an address to send a Thanksgiving card, or we prepare to send out an early Christmas card. Some of the people whom you might be writing, or sending a Thanksgiving, or Christmas card to you haven’t spoken to them in over 5-10 years, and during this span of time, your Cousin, or friend has moved over 3-5 times, some even more. To save yourself the time, and hassle it’s important to put a return of address on the card, because if you don’t the card will never be returned to you, if it’s a package the same applies, put a return address on the box, just in case the item is returned to the sender. The key thing to remember is an item with no return address can possibly be returned to you, so if it’s something valuable such as a check, or a family photo that might have sentimental value it’s very important to always have a return address on the item. If you haven’t heard from a friend, or a relative in a while try sending an e-mail to see if you can get a response, and if you get a response ask about their address, and if they have moved, all of these solutions can be accomplished on this website if you have an account, it’s free, and you never know who might be attempting to send you a card, or something in the mail, this website is secure, and after moving a change of address with the Postal Service is only good for one year, you can update, and change your information 24/7/365 on this website, so you have the power to make changes in real time, versus waiting two weeks to find out that you made a mistake that could delay your mail for another two week time period. Happy Thanksgiving to all!
