Using old address labels to send mail, and packages. How many people use old address labels to send mail, and if you own a home based business, or even a business that you have leased, and have moved to another building to lease, your company is still using old address labels to send letters, and packages to clients? This happens quite often, and doing this could result in you having trouble receiving what you might have sent to a potential client in the event that your change of address has expired, or you didn’t submit a change of address for your business, or home based business.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed the way that many businesses operate, and now more people are working from home, so to earn extra money some individuals have started home based businesses to earn extra money, and in the process of opening up your new home based business, you add a suite number on to your address, as well as a new business credit card that you have applied for, and have been approved to receive in the mail, so your regular address is 7520 Bighorn Ave., Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57117, but when you applied for the business credit card you changed the address to 7520 Bighorn Ave. Suite 2525, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57117, and now you’re including this suite number in all of your business mailings, and within three months you receive a call for a job promotion that will transfer you out of the state to Atlanta, Georgia, so you submit a change of address using your address at 7520 Bighorn Ave., but you don’t include the suite number that you created for your business, and you continue to use the old address labels one year later after moving to Atlanta, Georgia, this could cause you to have problems in the event that an item is returned to your business, and the customer is demanding a refund for a package that was damaged in the mail. The customer states that they sent the item back to your former address at 7520 Bighorn Ave. Suite 2525, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57117, but you tell them that you been living in Atlanta, Georgia for the past year, and the customer sends a screenshot with your business address label on the USPS box, so now you will have to provide a refund to the customer, and attempt to call your former Post Office in Sioux Falls, South Dakota to see if the package with a value of $300 can be returned to your new business location in Atlanta, Georgia. Using old address labels to send mail, and packages can be a gamble, update them when you move to save yourself the trouble of losing valuable mail, and packages. More than just a blog!
