Taking care of your relatives mail, and affairs, when they transition. This is a subject that probably many of us don’t want to talk about, but it has to be discussed. Most of the time, we expect our older relatives, to have a will, or a trust, that lays out how they might want their property to be split up amongst family members, but more than often we witness that our relative didn’t have a will, and the house that they were renting before they transitioned, has an owner that is ready to clean up their property so that they can move the next tenant into their property to start collecting rent checks from the new tenant. If your relative lived in the house before they transitioned, it’s the responsibility of the family to meet with the owner of the property so that they can move the deceased relatives belongings out of the rental property. While taking out the time to do this it’s important to put in a change of address for the deceased relative so that important mail can be forwarded to a good mailing address, also check to see if your relative might of had a safe deposit box that might contain a will, or other important things such as burial insurance, as well as a burial plot. If they had credit cards, it’s important to cancel all of them, and notify the credit card companies that your relative is now deceased. Unfortunately fraud sometimes occurs when our loved ones transition because some relatives figure that their relative can’t question them about a shopping spree if they’re no longer here, but fraud is fraud, and if your caught making fraudulent charges you could face jail time if you are caught, and prosecuted by a court. It’s also important to make sure to cancel any recurring deliveries that might come from Amazon, or any other delivery merchant. Taking care of your relatives mail, and affairs, when they transition, can make a difference if done right, and in a timely manner. www.iwantmymail.com More than just a blog!
